PCB footprint for TAG-connect
This is altium PCB layout for TAGconnect TC2030-MCP-NL 6-Pin No-Legs Cable.
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Archive for the ‘JTAG’ Category.
This is altium PCB layout for TAGconnect TC2030-MCP-NL 6-Pin No-Legs Cable.
Last time I was connecting STM32L discovery to the ULINK2. Now it’s time to connect new “beast”.
This very low cost board: ~12€ at . Detailed information is available via ST web page. On-board is a STM32F407VGT6 microcontroller. On Board is an ST-LINK/V2 embedded debug tool, two ST MEMS, digital accelerometer and digital microphone, one audio DAC with integrated class D speaker driver, LEDs and push buttons and an USB OTG micro-AB connector. By removing two jumpers ST-LINK could be used to program external microcontroller.
Next simple board in “universal” series is JTAG adaptor. First was Universal USB adapter with power supply. Most commonly used JTAG connector is 20 pin IDC, found on many prototyping boards. It takes lot of board space and requires through hole drilling in PCB, which I usually avoid when building prototypes with single sided PCB, manufactured with toner transfer method.
This simple adapter has all neccessary pullups and pulldowns. Connector at one side is standard IDC20, at the other side are 9 pads in line with 2,54mm raster.
Files for JTAG adapter:
Soldered module: