Archive for the ‘STM32F4’ Category.
05.02.2018, 22:32
The Voluhar project will be / might be open hardware and open software project for any DIY and videographer enthusiast that would like to get those enviably steady smooth shots. Well, for now this statement is a bit of a long shot since I don’t really know what I don’t know about brushless gimbal systems.
Continue reading ‘Voluhar project – 3 axis camera stabilization’ »
22.12.2016, 11:02
Once finished (deadline is end of January) this project will become open-source software and hardware.
My quadruple BDC driver for supports up to 4 brushed motors with encoders. Each motor is controlled by its individual closed loop and individual PID gain settings. Additionally, motor speed can also be individually addressed. Analog part of the driver is based on DRV8701P predriver and is controlled by STM32F4 microcontroller.
Continue reading ‘Quadruple BDC motor driver for robotics’ »
28.02.2016, 00:33
Today I found out how to “flash” blank STM32F103xC to make STLINK V2 debugger interface.
So, instead of desoldering from Discovery board to make miniture STLINK debug interface:
it’s possible to solder blank (or any) STM32F10x with USB and at least 64k flash + 20k RAM, program it with STLINK V2 Firmware and use your new USB dongle for debugging STM32 or STM8 devices.
Continue reading ‘How to program blank STM32F1 with STLINK V2 firmware’ »
22.02.2016, 22:27
I am using U-Link from Keil for my debugging purposes. Sometimes it is quite bulky. I decided to design STLink V2 on a single-sided PCB in smallest possible size. Here is how it looks:
This is preliminary preview. I will post more details after first testing.
Continue reading ‘ST-Link V2 on a single sided DIY PCB’ »
debug interface,
diy stlink,
stm32f7 Category:
20.12.2014, 09:20
Full bunch of wires is hanging from each HAM station and PC connected to the station: CAT, audio, each via dedicated interface for isolation or level shifting. Additional mess is with parrots or digital interfaces for digital mode. I wanted simple solution, which can be conected to PC via single USB cable.
I was looking for simple audio CODEC and found WM8731. To have enough processing power for some simple DSP audio I chose cortex M4F microcontroller. There is also micro-SD on the board for audio recording and playback, two mini-DIN connectors with YAESU pinout and galvanic isolation for USB. I stareted this project few months ago. I will add posts when I will make progress with module programming.
The PCB is 80x45mm.
Here is schematic: modem
And PCB layout: lingva
Stay tuned for further progress reports.
The software will be published on git.
Test equipment,
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11.07.2014, 21:23
This is next step in developing virtual COM port application. There arre two other parts required:
STM32F4 discovery – Keil example step-by-step
and first part of virtual com port tutorial:
STM32F4 discovery – Virtual COM port, step-by-step
In this example we will add DTR and RTS signals to two GPIO pins. Next, we will add simple command line interpreter for simple communication with the micorcontroller.
Continue reading ‘STM32F4 Discovery virtual com port – part II’ »
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10.07.2014, 22:44
This is next step in developing applications with STM32F4 Discovery board and Keil tools. This step-by-step tutorial describes how to prepare the simple application which communicates with PC using virtual COM port. This application is based on LED blinky desribed in first tutorial. We will continue with same project. You can copy/paste the entire folder to new one or continue inside the existing “blinky”.
Continue reading ‘STM32F4 discovery – Virtual COM port, step-by-step’ »
10.07.2014, 20:49
Keil development tools are excellent and they surprise with new toys with every new release. With version 5 they started with “packs”. I was confused with this new concept and without any training it took me a while to adapt new approach. Now, after a while and after reading few manuals I can only say it’s fantastic. Preparing new application is a breeze. What I was missing is step-by-step tutorial for newcomers to the “packs”. I would like to present step-by-step tutorial for simple application.
We will start with STM32F4 Discovery board, a low cost nice development board with some interesting periphery. First example will be simple “blinky” with blinking blue LED.
Continue reading ‘STM32F4 discovery – Keil example step-by-step’ »
16.06.2014, 23:42
After successful installation of “bare” virtual com port it’s now time to add something useful to the communication. This example is based on tutorial projects :
If you followed first three parts, then it’s time to continue here. If not, I suggest you do to gain proper background and learn about creating virtual COM port application.
Continue reading ‘STM32F4 Discovery virtual com port – part III – COmmand line interpreter’ »
STM32F4 |
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