Archive for the ‘Power supply’ Category.
24.10.2017, 22:16
Do you ever wondered how much magnetic field garbage is around you? This is cheap and easy build to measure magnetic noise or to compare which switching supply is more sh*tty.
Near field probes are nothing new. It’s easy to find one via web search. Here is one good reference for H and E field probes which I found via google image search:

EMC near field probes for H and E field
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28.08.2017, 22:31
_________________ Work in progress _______ Last change: 22.10.2017 ______________
What I missed in my workshop is nifty small programmable precision voltage source which can be used as calibration voltage source for testing and calibration purposes. I decided to make one, because instruments which have word “calibrator” have price with same digits as there is vocals in this magic word.
Let’s start with block diagram:

Voltage calibrator – Block diagram
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24.07.2017, 22:44
PreciPSU is an attempt to build high performance power supply. The idea started few years ago but it was never realised. Some major target performance specs are as follows:
- three isolated channels
- around 50W per channel
- 24V/3A output per channel
- lowest possible ripple at fastest response
- small size
- programmable via USB
- nice housing with minimalist user interface (2 plugs per channel, knob, button and small display
Update 15.7.2017: block diagram

PreciPSU Block diagram
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14.02.2017, 23:27
This is Raspberry Pi GPIO connector breakout board with some additional features:
- “Real” or “passive” PoE with 12V output
- 5V DC/DC module
- Additional 3,3V regulator
- ESD protection on all GPIO pins
- two additional pins for each pin on R.Pi 40 pin GPIO connector
- Separate UART and I2C headers
- 3,3V Supply for periphery is selectable: from R.Pi or from external regulator
- STM32F070 or similar in TSSOP-20 housing for controlling additional sensor or any other hardware
- Jumper for Cortex-M0 / R.Pi UART connection

First prototype
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22.12.2016, 11:02
Once finished (deadline is end of January) this project will become open-source software and hardware.
My quadruple BDC driver for supports up to 4 brushed motors with encoders. Each motor is controlled by its individual closed loop and individual PID gain settings. Additionally, motor speed can also be individually addressed. Analog part of the driver is based on DRV8701P predriver and is controlled by STM32F4 microcontroller.
Continue reading ‘Quadruple BDC motor driver for robotics’ »
14.08.2016, 18:55
Light Emitting Dance shades – general purpose party accessory.

LED Shades v0.3
About this project
I believe many young adults like to party and with the rapidly growing EDM community a lot of people attend parties with electronic music. I am one of them and you can probably tell where I got the idea to make the LED shades. Projects like this one don’t just keep me occupied in my free time but are also designed to broaden my knowledge in electronics and programming. Continue reading ‘LED shades’ »
20.04.2016, 11:27
12V high current linear power supply is very useful for HAM applications. I designed one based on s53mv schematic. The circuit is somehow odd because regulation transistors are in negative side of the current loop. Main reason for that is the collector or source of the transistors, which is connected to the housing of the transistor. To avoid isolation of the transistors from the heat sink it is better to have the housing, heatsink and the transistors connected to negative rail of the power supply. It is similar to the car, where negative pole is connected to the chassis.

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24.11.2015, 12:31
This is small module for AS1337. The shematic is simple and provides all required components to operate AS1337. The PCB is 18x15mm miniature module with all pins at one side (S

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