STM32F7 Discovery 3D model
I was searching for 3D model of the STM32F7 discovery board (part number STM32F746 discovery) without success. I ended with my own 3D model.
And local copy of STEP file: MB1191B-V14
Posts tagged ‘Discovery’
I was searching for 3D model of the STM32F7 discovery board (part number STM32F746 discovery) without success. I ended with my own 3D model.
And local copy of STEP file: MB1191B-V14
Last time I was connecting STM32L discovery to the ULINK2. Now it’s time to connect new “beast”.
This very low cost board: ~12€ at . Detailed information is available via ST web page. On-board is a STM32F407VGT6 microcontroller. On Board is an ST-LINK/V2 embedded debug tool, two ST MEMS, digital accelerometer and digital microphone, one audio DAC with integrated class D speaker driver, LEDs and push buttons and an USB OTG micro-AB connector. By removing two jumpers ST-LINK could be used to program external microcontroller.
I have got STM discovery kit for STM32F4 devices. It’s populated with STM32F407 in LQFP 100 package.