Archive for the ‘CW’ Category.
28.12.2016, 21:36
This is 5 minutes soldering project. There is no schematic, just simple circuit, something between “dead bug” and conventional PCB design. I did this in two steps. First attempt was complete failure. Local OM told me that any power mosfet can operate as power amplifier for HF. Ok, maybe not just any. I tested with couple of them including IRFZ24N. Finaly I took “proper” MOSFET for higher frequency and the circuit worked pretty good:

Simple output stage for QRSS beacon assembled in “mixed” technology
I will briefly describe this quick and simple project and I hope readers would enjoy it.
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29.02.2016, 23:35
I designed dedicated PCB for the CW keyer. The project is very similar to the version made on prototyping board.

Here are the updates:
Continue reading ‘Mini CW Keyer / QRSS beacon V1.1’ »
16.02.2016, 21:35
Mini USB dongle with STM32F0xx is suitable many for simple, mini projects. I attached speaker to Timer14 PWM output (Pin PA6) and LED (or optocoupler connected to PTT) to GPIO pin PA0:

The provided software is based on USB Virtual Com Port (VCP) device. The setup is done with command line interface using terminal from any PC. The setup is stored in the internal flash and PC is not required for normal operation. The mini beacon keyer can be used when powered with 5V.
Continue reading ‘Programmable CW Morse Keyer / beacon’ »