Archive for the ‘STM32F0’ Category.

Tiny cable tester for UTP and other cables

I developed simple cable tester. The complete project is in my GitHUB repository:

This is simple cable testing tool for checking your cables (e.g. ethernet patch cables or house installation). Complete tester consists of two modules and tested cable. Master (left) module is on the left. It is connected to the power supply (battery or wall adapter). Slave (right) is passive and has only LEDs.

Cable tester

Precision voltage source – voltage calibrator

_________________ Work in progress _______ Last change: 22.10.2017 ______________


What I missed in my workshop is nifty small programmable precision voltage source which can be used as calibration voltage source for testing and calibration purposes. I decided to make one, because instruments which have word “calibrator” have price with same digits as there is vocals in this magic word.

Let’s start with block diagram:

Voltage calibrator – Block diagram

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Simple Rh, T and p sensor with UART communication

The Pressure, temperature and humidity sensor based on MS5637 HDC1080 originally (Rev. 2) operates via RS485 interface and multidrop HDLC-like protocol.  I decided to simplify this for use with Raspberry Pi, arduion or any other mass platforms. First, I took away the RS485 transceiver and second, I simplified the communication.

First adaptation was easy:

Remove RS485 driver and connect Rx/Tx to A/B

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Pressure, temperature and humidity sensor based on MS5637 HDC1080 Rev.2

Gal ordered some PCBs from PCB-Way a while ago. It was multiproject panel with several PCBs. One of the modules was double sided revision of the Pressure, temperature and humidity sensor based on MS5637 HDC1080 which was posted while ago.

Pressure, temperature and humidity sensor based on MS5637 HDC1080

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LED Xmas tree

Ina soldered today 16 leds in matrix and then we connected it to “LED Decoration” hardware. The basic idea was:

4x4 LED matrix Xmas tree

4×4 LED matrix Xmas tree

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LED decoration

This LED decoration is for beginners in microcontroller applications. It has 8 LEDs, audio generator and possibility to interconnect with other modules. The PCB is simplified to certain level in order to be manufacturable on a single sided substrate with minimum effort. There are only two wire bridges and one 0 ohm resistor in addition to other components. The LED decoration can be used in school projects or for new-years fun. Of course it’s not limited to X-mas tree. It can be used during Bodhi Day, Hanukkah, Id al-Adha, Winter Solstice celebration, Saturnalia, Yule, Kwanza, Omisoka or any other occasion which might come at the end of the year, when day is short and some LED blinking device might rise your mood.

The concept of this LED decoration:

LED decoration concept

LED decoration concept

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Affordable pH meter

Our home vineyard delivers about 1000 liters of wine every year. It takes some effort to keep good quality and pleasure for all friends tasting the must, new wine and “senior” wine reserves. One of the most important tasks in wine quality management is controlling the biological and chemical state of the wine. The wine can be monitored in special laboratory or in home lab. Of course home lab become rational when quantity of the wine is high enough to justify expenses in special equipment.  There is some low cost equipment available for wine analysis, mostly with titration techniques, but chemical lab equipment is rather expensive and many hobby wineries avoid buying such equipment. I hope this post can contribute a bit to change that. I will describe the development of simple pH meter in detail.

IMG_6366.jpg    IMG_0855.jpg

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USB/RS485 converter on a double sided PCB

USB/RS485 module on a single sided board worked successfully for several months. The code is now stable and I decided to order small batch of double sided PCBs for this project. Here is documentation:

RS485/USB interface on a double sided board

RS485/USB interface on a double sided board

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LED shades

Light Emitting Dance shades – general purpose party accessory.

LED Shades v0.3

LED Shades v0.3

About this project

I believe many young adults like to party and with the rapidly growing EDM community a lot of people attend parties with electronic music. I am one of them and you can probably tell where I got the idea to make the LED shades. Projects like this one don’t just keep me occupied in my free time but are also designed to broaden my knowledge in electronics and programming. Continue reading ‘LED shades’ »

UV index sensor with RS485 interface

This is another sensor in weather-sensor series. It is based on silabs Si1133.



Si1133 Sensor schematic with RS485 interface

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