4 element Yagi for 6m, part II
This is part II for 4 element 6m yagi. Part I is about metal parts. Here is some brief description about electrical connection and preliminary test.
4. Antenna feed
To finish the antenna few parts must be 3D printed (or produced with other materials, like plastic pipes). Holder for air coil consists of three parts: coil holder, coil support and connector holder.
Coil holder is simple cylinder (pdf drawing: chokeholder), which is long enough to accommodate 12 turns of RG58 or similar cable:
Second part for the coil is distancer (pdf drawing: chokedistancer), which fixes coil to the antenna construction:
Third part is connector mount (PDF drawing: connectormount):
Here are STL files for all three models above and connection cover from part I – for 3D printing: STL3dP
The cable is wound on the holder and fixed with the distancer. Next, the connector is mounted to its plate and the coil is connected between the dipole and connector. Finally, the dipole connection is protected with the cover (from part I).
All feed elements are then assembled to the antenna construction:
And here’s the completely assembled antenna:
5. Testing
First preliminary testing was done with VNA CAT (Cable/Antenna Test). The VSWR diagram without any tuning is shown in following diagram:
Live testing report will follow after making some QSOs.
Za 50 MHz CMC dusilko potrebujes 4-5 zavojev 50 Omskega coax. Strojniku YU7EF se to ne da dopovedati 🙁 Poglej YU1CF Dual design.
Mario gde sam ja to napisao da treba toliko zavojaka i zasto me se vise ne manes?
Kad si toliko pametan i ne propustas priliku da pljunes po meni ponudi ljudima nesto
bolje i kvalitetnije … ne videh nigde tu tvoju super pamet na delu
Kolega cestitam na vrlo kvalitetno uradjenoj anteni i zelim puno lepih DX na 6m
Popa Ljubisa
Hvala Pope. Drago mi je, da se javi autor ove odlične antene.
http://www.k1ttt.net/technote/airbalun.html je referenca, ki sem jo tudi YU7EF ponudil! Popa se ucci in zadnje dve anteni koncno imajo F/B diagram cez delovno obmocje. Prej so bili redundantni SWR in refleksija. Zal se preselil na vas in obnasanje je postalo temu primerno 🙁