Prototyping with PLL ADF4351
ADF4351 is very interesting PLL chip with many features. Here is prototyping board to start playing around with this interesting chip.
Schematic, PCB assembly drawings and bill of materials is in this PDF: adf4351-proto
Single sided PCB can be manufactured with your favourite toner transfer technology. Here is mirrored artwork in 1:1 scale: adf4351-proto—tonertransfer
Assembled PCB:
And first test:
I “calculated” registers for first test with the help of ADF4351 PC application from ADi (Source available here, compiled with visual studio):
The output frequency matched the preset. This is for start. Now I will prepare application for STM32F072+ADF4351 to control the PLL with commands via USB virtual COM port.
Here’s video of working demo application:
Source code is available from Github.