Adding RS485 to FRDM-K64F
FRDM-K64F is nice piece of development board. Unfortunately, it is “bonded” to MBED development platform, which is a nightmare! Adding RS485 “out of the box” to the FRDM-K64F in MBED is NoGo. But it is very easy.
Here is image from my scope sending single char via UART4 with enabled RTS as DE for RS485 in Half Duplex mode:
There is “bluetooth” connector J199 on the board. It is connected to UART4 pins PTC14 (UART4_Rx) and PTC15 (UART4_Tx). The signal UART_RTS is available on connector J6, pin 3:
Initialization for UAR4 is simple when using UART Periph Driver:
#include "fsl_uart_driver.h" // UART periph driver int main (void) { uint8_t txchar = 'A'; // Initialize variable uartState of type uart_state_t uart_state_t uartState; // Uart config data uart_user_config_t uartConfig = { .bitCountPerChar = kUart8BitsPerChar, .parityMode = kUartParityDisabled, .stopBitCount = kUartOneStopBit, .baudRate = 9600 }; hardware_init(); // Init UART4 UART_DRV_Init(UART4_IDX, &uartState, &uartConfig); // Config RTS PORTC_PCR12 |= PORT_PCR_MUX(3); // PC13 ... Alt3 = UART4_RTS (RS485 DE) UART4_MODEM |= UART_MODEM_TXRTSE_MASK; // enable rts while(1) { UART4_D = txchar++; } } |
R and D are not correctly connected to Rx and Tx in schematic above. The connection must be: Tx->D and R<-Rx